About & Contact Info

As an artist I am self-taught, though I grew up with an artist father and was exposed to various styles and techniques from an early age. Art is mainly a hobby for me, though I wouldn't mind for it to be more - professionally I have mainly worked as an environmental health officer and my university studies were focussed on natural sciences like geology, paleontology and environmental issues (though I threw in some art and architectural history and other shorter courses as well).


Yes please, I won't mind doing commissions or maybe art trades, but not for free :) Contact me if you're interested. Below are links to the more or less social websites you can find me. If you wish to contact me by email you can use my old and trusty hotmail address - my first name and surname separated by an underscore and of course hotmail dot com.

All content on this website is made by me (with the exception of the logos above) and all images and graphics are my copyright except for fan art and game art which may or may not be derivate works. All rights reserved. And while they would presumably be a poor sample for AI to practice on, I do not allow it. The website itself is also made by me and there are no cookies etc added (unless by the webhost for statistical purposes or such.)